

Cornell Corner


Determining the value of sap you produce

Michael Farrell |

In the previous issue of The Maple News, I submitted an article summarizing the research carried out by the Parker Family Maple Farm comparing the differences in their yields and profitability when utilizing different combinations of spouts and droplines.


Limiting conservative tapping guidelines

Brian Chabot, Cornell Maple Program |

The article by Abby Van Den Berg et al (Maple News November 2013) provides valuable research support for understanding the key variables behind tapping guidelines. Prior to 2005 there was no research supporting any of the guidelines in use. However, maple producers need to pay careful attention to the caveats mentioned in the article MORE ]


Mainline sizing guidelines and worksheets for 1” line

Stephen Childs, NYS Maple Specialist |

The number of taps that can be properly supported on a one inch mainline depends on a number of factors including the line loss due to friction in the line, the length of the line, the slope of the line, sap volume in the line and vacuum capacity available to the line. MORE ]


Some ideas for maple marshmallow products

Stephen Childs, New York State Maple Specialist |

Maple marshmallow can be served in a variety of formats. One favorite is to make rice crispy treats using the freshly made maple marshmallow in place of melted regular marshmallow. MORE ]


Estimating taps per acre using the angle gauge

Stephen Childs, Cornell University |

Maple producers may wish to estimate the potential number of taps per acre to assess the productive capacity of an area, and to aid in estimating the costs for installing tubing systems or buckets. Once you know the number of taps per acre, you can compare sites and estimate costs using the tapping and tubing cost estimator. MORE ]


Which spout is best for your operation?

Brian Chabot, Steve Childs and Michael Farrell |

In the past couple of years there has been a flurry of innovation in spout design each with their own claimed advantages for cost, ease of use, and sap yields. MORE ]


Sustainable future

By Michael Farrell, Department of Natural Resources |



Maple candy research

Stephen Childs, Cornell Maple Program in cooperation with Merle Maple |