

Sap & Syrup


EcoVap electric evaporator catching on

Peter Gregg |

Dominion & Grimm's new evaporator technology, the EcoVap, makes making syrup as easy as turning on the dishwasher at night before you go to bed.

It runs on electricity. That’s right, electricity. MORE ]


Expect significantly lower bulk syrup prices in 2016

Michael Farrell |

Bulk syrup prices are expected to be significantly lower when you go to sell your crop this spring, and it has absolutely nothing to do with how much syrup is made. With most agricultural products, prices are usually correlated with the size of the harvest. If there is a shortage, prices will rise and if there is a surplus, then prices will likely fall.


Sugarmakers boil 41% sap

Peter Gregg | May 2015

The maple industry may be one step closer to making syrup without boiling sap. MORE ]


'Autumn Blend'

Peter Gregg |

Some call it defying Mother Nature, others would call it taking advantage of her, but the fall tappers are at it again.

"I only planned on having enough sap to boil on the stove," said Cody Armstrong, one of the few brave souls who tapped trees this fall. "I thought it would be cool." MORE ]


Logs to lumber

By Peter Smallidge, Cornell University | Nov. 2015

A common feature of managed woods, and an aspect that has made them popular among farmers, woodlot owners and maple producers is the potential to harvest logs and produce boards. MORE ]